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Contact, Почта России, Альфа-Клик
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LiqPay, Деньги@Mail.Ru, RBKmoney, W1, MoneyMail, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, HandyBank
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QIWI (КИВИ), Элекснет
- bank transfer / remittance systems
Contact, Почта России, Альфа-Клик
- electronic payment systems
LiqPay, Деньги@Mail.Ru, RBKmoney, W1, MoneyMail, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, HandyBank
- vouchers
International Dialing Codes
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1325 Abilene |
1308 Kearney |
1330 Akron |
1262 Kenosha |
1234 Akron |
1845 Kingston |
1518 Albany |
1865 Knoxville |
1229 Albany |
1337 Lafayette |
1957 Albuquerque |
1765 Lafayette |
1505 Albuquerque |
1863 Lakeland |
1320 Alexandria |
1717 Lancaster |
1730 Alton |
1740 Lancaster |
1618 Alton |
1517 Lansing |
1657 Anaheim |
1307 Laramie |
1909 Anaheim |
1956 Laredo |
1752 Anaheim |
1575 Las Cruces |
1714 Anaheim |
1702 Las Vegas |
1907 Anchorage |
1580 Lawton |
1734 Ann Arbor |
1859 Lexington |
1278 Ann Arbor |
1501 Little Rock |
1703 Arlington |
1562 Long Beach |
1571 Arlington |
1323 Los Angeles |
1828 Asheville |
1310 Los Angeles |
1606 Ashland |
1213 Los Angeles |
1404 Atlanta |
1502 Louisville |
1770 Atlanta |
1978 Lowell |
1678 Atlanta |
1351 Lowell |
1470 Atlanta |
1806 Lubbock |
1609 Atlantic City |
1434 Lynchburg |
1762 Augusta |
1339 Lynn |
1706 Augusta |
1781 Lynn |
1331 Aurora |
1478 Macon |
1737 Austin |
1608 Madison |
1512 Austin |
1603 Manchester |
1667 Baltimore |
1507 Mankato |
1443 Baltimore |
1660 Marshall |
1410 Baltimore |
1641 Mason City |
1225 Baton Rouge |
1830 Medina |
1425 Bellevue |
1901 Memphis |
1360 Bellingham |
1786 Miami |
1240 Bethesda |
1305 Miami |
1610 Bethlehem |
1414 Milwaukee |
1484 Bethlehem |
1612 Minneapolis |
1835 Bethlehem |
1334 Montgomery |
1406 Billings |
1630 Naperville |
1228 Biloxi |
1615 Nashville |
1659 Birmingham |
1724 New Castle |
1205 Birmingham |
1504 New Orleans |
1952 Bloomington |
1917 New York City |
1208 Boise |
1646 New York City |
1857 Boston |
1212 New York City |
1617 Boston |
1973 Newark |
1802 Brattleboro |
1862 Newark |
1631 Brentwood |
1716 Niagara Falls |
1203 Bridgeport |
1510 Oakland |
1475 Bridgeport |
1341 Oakland |
1718 Brooklyn |
1432 Odessa |
1347 Brooklyn |
1405 Oklahoma City |
1979 Bryan |
1531 Omaha |
1818 Burbank |
1402 Omaha |
1747 Burbank |
1927 Orlando |
1856 Camden |
1689 Orlando |
1239 Cape Coral |
1407 Orlando |
1319 Cedar Rapids |
1321 Orlando |
1447 Champaign |
1269 Otsego |
1217 Champaign |
1364 Owensboro |
1843 Charleston |
1270 Owensboro |
1681 Charleston |
1445 Philadelphia |
1304 Charleston |
1267 Philadelphia |
1980 Charlotte |
1215 Philadelphia |
1704 Charlotte |
1623 Phoenix |
1423 Chattanooga |
1602 Phoenix |
1872 Chicago |
1480 Phoenix |
1773 Chicago |
1878 Pittsburgh |
1312 Chicago |
1412 Pittsburgh |
1413 Chicopee |
1763 Plymouth |
1708 Cicero |
1626 Pomona |
1464 Cicero |
1248 Pontiac |
1283 Cincinatti |
1772 Port St Lucie |
1513 Cincinnati |
1971 Portland |
1931 Clarksville |
1503 Portland |
1440 Cleveland |
1207 Portland |
1216 Cleveland |
1401 Providence |
1573 Columbia |
1719 Pueblo |
1803 Columbia |
1919 Raleigh |
1614 Columbus |
1984 Raleigh |
1380 Columbus |
1530 Redding |
1925 Concord |
1775 Reno |
1361 Corpus Christi |
1804 Richmond |
1214 Dallas |
1951 Riverside |
1972 Dallas |
1540 Roanoke |
1469 Dallas |
1585 Rochester |
1764 Daly City |
1309 Rock Island |
1650 Daly City |
1815 Rockford |
1276 Danville |
1779 Rockford |
1563 Davenport |
1252 Rocky Mount |
1937 Dayton |
1916 Sacramento |
1386 Daytona Beach |
1989 Saginaw |
1940 Denton |
1831 Salinas |
1720 Denver |
1801 Salt Lake City |
1303 Denver |
1385 Salt Lake City |
1313 Detroit |
1210 San Antonio |
1679 Detroit |
1935 San Diego |
1620 Dodge City |
1858 San Diego |
1218 Duluth |
1619 San Diego |
1715 Eau Claire |
1628 San Francisco |
1534 Eau Claire |
1415 San Francisco |
1848 Edison |
1408 San Jose |
1732 Edison |
1669 San Jose |
1915 El Paso |
1805 Santa Barbara |
1908 Elizabeth |
1661 Santa Clarita |
1607 Elmira |
1424 Santa Monica |
1814 Erie |
1627 Santa Rosa |
1760 Escondido |
1369 Santa Rosa |
1442 Escondido |
1707 Santa Rosa |
1541 Eugene |
1941 Sarasota |
1458 Eugene |
1906 Sault Ste Marie |
1812 Evansville |
1912 Savannah |
1701 Fargo |
1570 Scranton |
1910 Fayetteville |
1206 Seattle |
1810 Flint |
1564 Seattle |
1954 Fort Lauderdale |
1318 Shreveport |
1754 Fort Lauderdale |
1301 Silver Spring |
1479 Fort Smith |
1227 Silver Spring |
1260 Fort Wayne |
1712 Sioux City |
1682 Fort Worth |
1605 Sioux Falls |
1817 Fort Worth |
1574 South Bend |
1559 Fresno |
1509 Spokane |
1352 Gainesville |
1417 Springfield |
1409 Galveston |
1636 St. Charles |
1219 Gary |
1435 St. George |
1970 Grand Junction |
1314 St. Louis |
1616 Grand Rapids |
1557 St. Louis |
1231 Grant |
1651 St. Paul |
1920 Green Bay |
1727 St. Petersburg |
1274 Green Bay |
1662 Starkville |
1336 Greensboro |
1209 Stockton |
1864 Greenville |
1209 Stockton |
1254 Hamilton |
1315 Syracuse |
1985 Hammond |
1253 Tacoma |
1959 Hartford |
1850 Tallahassee |
1860 Hartford |
1813 Tampa |
1516 Hempstead |
1419 Toledo |
1808 Honolulu |
1567 Toledo |
1832 Houston |
1785 Topeka |
1713 Houston |
1947 Troy |
1281 Houston |
1520 Tucson |
1938 Huntsville |
1918 Tulsa |
1256 Huntsville |
1430 Tyler |
1936 Huntsville |
1903 Tyler |
1317 Indianapolis |
1757 Virginia Beach |
1515 Iowa City |
1586 Warren |
1949 Irvine |
1202 Washington |
1769 Jackson |
1847 Waukegan |
1601 Jackson |
1224 Waukegan |
1731 Jackson |
1561 West Palm Beach |
1904 Jacksonville |
1316 Wichita |
1551 Jersey City |
1302 Wilmington |
1201 Jersey City |
1774 Worcester |
1870 Jonesboro |
1508 Worcester |
1913 Kansas City |
1914 Yonkers |
1975 Kansas City |
1928 Yuma |
1816 Kansas City |